How to Decorate Using Designer Ribbon
Pick 3
One major key to decorating upscale trees is choosing a ribbon trio: a pattern, a solid, and a texture (like velvet, satin, or even glitter). These should obviously compliment each other and the theme of your tree, but having the variety afore mentioned adds depth and dimension. A Hello Holidays tree is a feast for the eyes, and ribbon is the main course.
Cut in Strips
The biggest mistake we see people make is to wrap ribbon horizontally around the tree. Besides wasting ribbon, it just does not look good. Instead, cut the ribbon into strips about one yard in length. This makes it easier to manuever and position.
Fold & Tuck
If decorating a real tree, you'll need to attach wire to the top of the ribbon to secure it to a branch. For fake trees, simply tuck it into the branch and then bring it vertically down the tree where you can fold the end back into the branches or leave its tail out depending on your preference.
Bows, Interweaving, or Cascades?
With the same ribbon strips, you can make the tree look dramatically different based on relatively small adjustments to placement. The choice is yours: tuck the ribbon into petals, add some classy satin bows, add a pattern of cascading florals, or interweve some rustic burlap charm... just be sure to utilize the ribbon to cover the tree's inevitable bare spots, and the rest is up to you.