I once read on a church bulletin that the "Dreading" of a project is often worse than the "Doing." This is certainly the case when it comes to putting away and storing Christmas decorations- it is not that bad once you get going, but getting started can feel overwhelming.
So, let's break it down and focus on the best way to put away ribbon. There's a misconception floating around that all ribbon is a one and done, disposable commodity meant to be trashed at the end of the season. Designer ribbon, of the quality sold on Hello Holidays, is made of higher-end materials that maintain their shape and quality over time. Comparing our ribbon to cheaper sources is like comparing paper plates to fine China. Sure, one you do throw away after one use, because it is falling apart and you had low expectations for its performance anyway. But, Hello Holiday ribbon, like that fancy porcelain dinner plate, is something you take care to put away because you invested in worthy materials that will be in almost new condition if stored properly.

Proper storage of our ribbon is essential to both maintaining its quality and making your life easier next year when it is time to decorate again. Whether you opt for a fancy ribbon organizer (we love this stackable option with adjustable compartments) or a simple clear plastic container with a lid the goal of your storage box remains the same: keep the dust, moisture, and other environmental factors away from damaging your ribbon. We also suggest putting a label on your storage box denoting where/what tree the ribbon came from. You will thank yourself next year.

Once you have either purchased a storage container or found the lid to the one you already have, putting the ribbon away is simple. Roll it. Roll the ribbon into a tight spiral to prevent tangles, fraying, or *gasp* wrinkles. Even the best tree decorators cringe at the idea of steaming/ironing the creases out of ribbon that was crammed into a box under ornaments or simply left on the tree. Our Merrymakers also suggest using an empty toilet paper roll to help keep the spiral tight if you're having trouble keeping it neat with just your hands. You can secure the ribbon spiral with a rubber band or piece of tape that won't leave a residue, but we like to pack it tightly into the storage container so that it stays rolled up without anything else.
Easy Peasy, right? If you're still dreading putting away and storing Christmas ribbon, you're not alone. This is why many of our Merrymakers offer "Take Down" services to organize and store all the stuff. It benefits both the clients, who will get all of their decorations put away in a space-saving manner, and the Merrymakers, who will not have a mess to deal with when they show-up to decorate next year's tree. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, we wish you happy storing for a smoother decorating season next year.